Ultra-wideband Real-Time Monitoring of Heart, Blood Pressure, Insulin Status and More Being Developed

Posted on June 19, 2011 by

Electrical engineers at Oregon State University have developed a new ultrawideband technology which will be used to monitor various aspects of health to reduce the onset of degenerative diseases as symptoms develop. A tiny computer chip worn on the body which will be powered by body heat will transmit vast amounts of health information real time. The research was published in EURASIP Journal On Wireless Communications and Networking. Scientists are also working on a non-invasive way of monitoring changes in blood chemistry real time, which will include all aspects of the blood components including the immune cells. This information will be transmitted and translated into data for immediate review without the need for time consuming blood tests and prototypes are being reviewed by the FDA. This development is considered a revolutionary step in diagnosis and prevention of major chronic diseases.

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