Archive for February, 2010

China Dispatch-A desire to know Americans

Posted on February 26, 2010 by

Yesterday, my wife and I were heading to the Shanghai Museum and on the way in a young Chinese woman in her early 20’s and her male friend came over and offered to take our photo. Her friend was a childhood buddy from their hometown a couple of hours a way and they both proceeded […]

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Dispatch from China–Many Loved Children

Posted on February 18, 2010 by

I am in the Shanghai airport traveling to Kunming after three glorious days of the Chinese New Year in Shanghai. The world dynamic aside for the time being, the Chinese mothers and fathers and grandparents I see here hold and kiss their children as if they will not see them for many years. They dote […]

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Top Potential Medical Breakthrough Gamechangers for 2010

Posted on February 8, 2010 by

1. HIV Vaccine: Researchers have deciphered two antibodies produced by some HIV patients which have neutralized many HIV strains. These are far more potents than the four previously discovered and may be specific to the developing world where 95% of the new cases happen. The current focus is on creating a vaccine active ingredient to […]

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Millions at risk as AIDS focus fades

Posted on February 8, 2010 by

Global attention appears to be turning away from the AIDS epidemic and this comes just at the wrong time as a fresh wave of the disease is expected to infect millions of people in high risk countries a leading expert said Friday. “There seems to be a perception now that AIDS has been dealt with […]

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Avatar’s Effects on The Cerebral Cortex

Posted on February 2, 2010 by

Two nights ago, I went to see Avatar. Although I had tempered expectation, in the end, I must admit that I became totally immersed in the film beginning to end. There were things about the film I did not like. The dialogue was riddled with clichés and the moralistic themes were over done. There was, […]

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Posted on February 2, 2010 by

Soon I will be traveling to Kungming China with my daughter, who will spend six months studying the Chinese culture and the Chinese public health system. I figured I’d better read some books about China since I know dangerously little and what little I do know comes from our news media. Martin Jacques, a Professor, […]

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