Starting an Online Global Business with no Employees. The Future now

Posted on November 19, 2010 by

My favorite news story of today was a small insert in the Wall Street Journal about a stock analyst who left his job to create MCAP Research Inc, a website to help investors process company earnings reports more quickly. Customers pay to gain access to his unique site. The creator Efrem Meretab was able to create the company with limited resources using software developers from Belarus Ukraine and Pakistan at a fraction of the cost of U.S. based developers. In addition, to meet capacity for future sales, instead of buying servers to ahndle the website’s traffic, he rents computing capacity from Amazon. These costs would have been in the millions. This model of new web based businesses offering needed or wanted content is one of the most promising business models of the near future and can be adapted to most heavy data driven arenas where the data is available and is in workable form.

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