Posted on June 20, 2010 by

French researchers suggest that picking the right soundtrack could improve the odds of a romantic interlude with a woman. Women were in fact more prepared to give their number to an ‘average’ young man after listening to romantic background music, according to research that appears June 18 in the journal Psychology of Music.
Researchers Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob from the Université de Bretagne-Sud along with Lubomir Lamy from Université de Paris-Sud to test the power of romantic lyrics on 18-20 year old single females.

At least one romantic love song did make a difference.
Guéguen and Jacob were part of a research team that had already shown how romantic music played in a flower shop led to male customers spending more money. This time the researchers used questionnaires to pinpoint agreed-upon neutral and romantic songs. They chose ‘Je l’aime à mourir’, a well-known love song by French songwriter Francis Cabrel, and the neutral song ‘L’heure du thé’, by Vincent Delerm. A group of young women separate from the main study rated 12 young male volunteers for attractiveness, and the researchers picked the one rated closest to ‘average’ to help with the experiment.
The results also add weight to a general learning model proposed by Buckley and Anderson in 2006 to explain the effect of media exposure. Media exposure in general, and not only aggressive or violent media, affects individuals’ internal states, which explains why prosocial media fosters prosocial outcomes.
Why did the music have this effect? It may be that, as shown in earlier research, the music induced positive affect (in psychological terms, affect is the experience of feeling or emotion). Positive affect is associated with being more receptive to courtship requests. Source SCIENCE DAILY

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