How failures can result in wins–super Wired Article

Posted on March 28, 2010 by

alec_baldwinThere is a superb article in the December 15 Wired Magazine which talks about how professional failures can result in long term success. The author interviews actor Alex Baldwin who, beginning in 1991 lost the role of Jack Ryan in Tom Clancy’s novels including Clear and Present Danger. Now an actor on the Tv sitcom 30 Rock, he says while he doesn’t have the largest audience, it is steady and growing. The point made here is that Baldwin became practical and learned that he couldn’t always shoot for top roles and became happier in the process. In addition, he stayed in the game and worked hard. Studies have shown that individuals willing to try different things and continue to push, often end up better in the long run. Many who start business that fail but continue to try are those with the most success in the end, having learned valuable lessons from those failures. Take a look at this article, it’s worthwhile.

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