Posted on October 20, 2009 by

einstein1There is new and reliable evidence from scientific studies which prove that our brains respond significantly to the daily foods we eat and that nutrients trigger neurotransmitters and hormones that directly alter our mental sharpness, memory and moods. This runs across the board from children to older adults and the timing of intake is also significant. Studies show that the brain is a hungry organ requiring an almost constant influx of energy, delivered in the form of glucose, the end product of carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore the timing of food intake is crucial. This also means, among other things, that breakfast is not just important, it is essential as is eating every two to three hours throughout the day. This constant stream of glucose will enhance concentration and meals or snacks containing low-glycemic carbs or combines them with lean protein and healthy mono or polyunsaturated fats will keep the fuel to the brain consistent and constant. Eating the healthy breakfast of such foods as oatmeal has been shown to increase test scores significantly due to increased concentation. Eggs with a whole wheat food such as an English muffin are another great brain feeder.History of USDA human research. Journal of Nutrition 139(1):192 RETHINKING BRAIN FOOD Irwin H. Rosenberg MD Phd. NATURE REVIEWS NEUROSCIENCE 9, 568-578 Fernando Gomez Pinilla MD July 2008) (analysis of 160 studies about food and effects on the brain).

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