Posted on October 29, 2009 by

refugeeThe U.S. defense and intelligence agencies examining the potential impact of global warming have concluded that if they materialize, global alliances will shift and the need for massive relief efforts will increase as will our military entanglements in conflicts worldwide. At current increas rate of carbon dioxide the average world temperatures at the end of this century will be around 7 degrees higher and the sease are expected to rise by as much as 2 feet. Among the expected flashpoints are: Himalayan glaciers are likely to recede causing fresh water shortages in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and parts of China. Receding Arctic ice could trigger territorial conflict involving Russia, the U.S. and Canada; Sea level rise in Bangladesh and drought elsewhere will create “climate refugees” and violence; The Indian Ocean Island of Diego garcia an atoll a few feet above seal level, will disappear, removing a key U.S. military staging area.

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